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Planning For A Successful Spring Break With The Kids

April 26, 2018 – Polly Tatum

Respecting Rights

Whenever school is out of session, co-parents face the challenge of coordinating parenting time. Spring break is no exception. But, unlike holiday-centered breaks such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, you may not have a family tradition for how to spend the time. Many families choose to go on vacation during spring break, but that begs the question of how it will affect parenting time. Even non-custodial parents have rights. If your spring break aspirations will violate those rights you need to discuss your plans well in advance.

As with any other school break, your standard parenting time schedule may not be appropriate during spring break. Your child may need supervision during the day or have activities he or she needs to be driven to. Try to reach an agreement on how you will spend spring break to avoid violating the other parent’s rights.

You may have a provision in your parenting plan that can dictate how and when parenting time will be affected by spring break. If you do, that is great! Refer back to your agreement in the plan, and enjoy your spring break. You may have already agreed on who gets your child during spring break, what day and time spring break officially start and when it ends.

These simple guidelines can ensure your break goes smoothly. If your parenting plan doesn’t address spring break, now is the time to talk. If you can reach an agreement on how you will share your child’s time during spring break, make sure you get it in writing. You do not need to go to court, but if you both want to be able to protect your rights, putting any agreements you make in writing is a good idea.

If you and your spouse cannot agree on all the issues, consider working with an experienced divorce mediator. A skilled mediator can work with you on just custody and parenting time issues. In fact, many couples turn to mediators instead of court when they want to adjust their schedule on their own.

Speak with an experienced divorce mediator if you need help planning for a successful spring break with your kid. Spring breaks tend to sneak up on you, and it’s best to be ready with a game plan in hand in advance. Early and careful planning now can mean you and your child can have a productive, fun, and conflict-free spring break.

If you have questions about how to co-parent during breaks, Mediation Advantage Services can assist you. Experienced in divorce mediation, Law Office of Polly Tatum can help you and your spouse agree on parenting time schedule changes without a courtroom battle. Based in historic Worcester with a satellite office in Northboro, MA, our firm serves all cities and towns throughout Massachusetts and Worcester County including, Auburn, Paxton, Leicester, Sutton, Grafton, Shrewsbury, Westboro, Northboro, Southboro, Holden, Sterling, Princeton, Worcester, Charlton, Millbury, Dudley, Spencer, Brookfield, Sudbury, Natick, Framingham, Hopkinton, Milford, Blackstone, Leominster, Fitchburg, Acton, Jefferson, Barre, Oakham, Cambridge, Newton, Marlboro, Lancaster, Bolton, and Hudson. Call our office at (508) 795-1557(508) 795-1557, fill out our online form, or email us at today to schedule your Complimentary

Mediation Success Planning Session. You can also sign up for our eNewsletter or download our free e-book for more information regarding divorce in Massachusetts.

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